Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Stop eyeglass slipping with these next generation eyewear retainers

If you’re depressed because your life is in a rut, then it’s time to sit down in front of pad and pen and oh yeah make yourself some tea. Refrain from alcohol.

Turn off the cellphone too.

You’re down, that’s understandable. You’re not alone. A lot of people feel that way.

Part of the reason is our concept of happiness. Or rather, the concepts of happiness we have been indoctrinated with.

We’ve grown up, and all our lives we’ve been bombarded with messages of what we need to be happy, what we need to feel fulfilled.

And subconsciously we take them in, even though if we were to think about them in the clear light of consciousness, we’d see how ridiculous a new pair of running shoes is towards making us feel whole.

But it happens.

TV, magazines, popular media.

But it doesn’t stop there.

Our parents, relatives, friends…they all have suggestions for us. Get married, that will make you happy. Have children, that will make you happy.

In most cases, it’s what will make them happy.

So stop the insanity for a bit and just think.

In the last 6 months what’s made you happy.

Re-reading Wuthering Heights. That made you happy. The first time around, when you were in high school you didn’t really read it. You skimmed it. Back then education wasn’t a priority.

It still isn’t. But now you’re interested in self-development. You still believe popular education is pathetic.

And oh yeah, you’re happy with the Keepons you bought. They’re amazing. Before you got them you were miserable. Your glasses kept slipping and that made you feel so…small, unattractive, defective.

So you ordered them and it only cost $6. Hehe. Amazing, and that included free shipping and tracking number.

What a deal because in retrospect, even though you can’t put a price on happiness, $6 is really a small price to pay for happiness.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Engineered excellence in an eyeglass retainer, Keepons keep your glasses on

So I’m sitting with my friend in a restaurant and he tells me I look great. It’s true I’ve lost over 20 pounds. And as he scarfs down another slice of pizza, I just want to jet out of there real bad.

It’s not that I’m tempted. Frankly I’m kind of disgusted.

But I also don’t want to seem righteous because I still recall when I was overweight and my life was stuck how I really resented healthy people telling me what I should or should not do.

But here I was on the other side of the table and I couldn’t believe that not long ago I was like my friend. Clearly his now, err my relationship with food had been dysfunctional.

If I was happy, I’d pig out to celebrate. If I was miserable, I’d drown my sorry in a bag of hamburgers and fries and two liters of Coke. Any wonder that since college I had put on over 40 pounds.

If you look at my graduation photos now and then you would think that it’s two very different people!

But Keepons eyeglasses retainers changed all that, it gave me the chance to begin anew and like I said before I started eating better. For example nights I’d come home and make a big salad with chicken breast and I’d drink skim milk. Satisfying and full-feeling. If I desired dessert, I’d bake some apples or bananas.

It’s all about the choices you make or rather don’t make. Most people go through life just doing whatever TV tells them to do, buy this, eat this, get fat, die young, well not for me anymore.

Did I mention that the other day while I was out running looking like a complete mess all sweaty and yucky, I met a girl. Yeah she was running too and she smiled at me and gave me the thumbs up.

Thanks Keepons!

Friday, March 23, 2012

What To Do About Glasses Constantly Slipping Down Nose

How much would you pay for your life to be in order? Hundreds? Thousands? Yes of course probably more. As individuals we spend so much to make ourselves happy. All the things we buy, that we don’t need, in order to fill this vacancy in our hearts. When I’m so happy to brag that I spent $6 and my life is amazing.

When the Keepons eyeglass retainers arrived in the mail, I just knew there were going to work. They looked so cool, in transparent blue. Yes I got the Keepons original blue for $6. That includes free international shipping from Hong Kong by the way and I even received a tracking number to track the order all the way here to sunny Miami where I live, with my parents.

Anyway the Keepons arrived and I twisted them onto my glasses and then I put them on my head and voila! I can’t tell you how I felt. It’s very hard to articulate the feelings of relief. Like you’ve been carrying around baggage for most of your life, this emotionally frustrating baggage that makes you bitter and resentful how other people have such great lives and not you, but the minute, the very second the Keepons go to work you realize ahhhh life isn’t so bad. I don’t have it that bad.

It’s like I was suffocating all along and then finally the Keepons eyeglass retainers let me breathe. And it felt so wonderful to not always be pushing up your glasses every one or two minutes or look out through the top of your glasses like some old man. Well yes I’m not young, but old is how you feel, it shouldn’t be because your glasses are slipping. Well anyway Keepons stopped my glasses from slipping and I am very thankful for that.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

If your glasses slip, then Keepons for your eyeglasses is perfect for you

All along he had been looking for that big break who knew it would come in such a small form.

Throughout his life, he held out, he did not settle and now approaching middle-age he thought to himself, had he held out for nothing?

Because the thought of being normal, of being mediocre frightened him beyond even death.

His parents had been lower middle class and although he grew up with love, he rejected the path that they represented. The path of prudence, and no risks.

No risks, meant no opportunities and so he embraced the ups and downs of life with gusto.

He had made something of himself and then lost it. He lost everything and pulled himself back up again.

And then climbing, in a different industry, again he worked himself into a position of security and comfort and then lost it.

He had seen therapists and mind people and they had suggested that possibly when he was young the security that he needed was not afforded to him. That he had not gotten the type of nurturing that he had needed.

This is ridiculous he thought to himself. I had everything other kids had. Good running shoes, we ate out at restaurants. I had video game systems. Computers.

Were you ever held? Were you hugged much? Did they ever say, we love you and however you are, whatever you want to be, we love you and we’re behind you.

To that he was silent.

He had no memories of being held and touched and perhaps that was why he had trust issues even now.

Which would explain why he would rise and then something always happened? Some self-sabotage as if to suggest that he did not deserve good things.

And as luck would have it he stumbled upon Keepons and of in all places, He had been surfing a couple of weeks back and then the site appeared and at first he didn’t understand what he was looking at.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Keepons advanced eyeglass retainers better than eyeglass straps for stopping slipping glasses

Whereas in the case of your pants falling down you’d use a belt, in the case of your glasses always falling down, an eyeglass strap is not the best solution.

Eyeglass straps don’t really prevent your glasses from slipping. At least that’s not what they were designed to do.

Originally eyeglass straps and for that matter eyeglass cords and chains were designed to keep your glasses at hand when you weren’t wearing them. For example you’re out for a walk and it’s sunny so you wear your sunglasses but when you go into a mall, where do you put your sunglasses? Holding them in your hand is inconvenient. And clipping the glasses on the collar of your shirt, well that’s not ideal either because it crimps your shirt collar making you look unkempt.

So that’s where the idea of eyeglass straps came in.

Another original use of the eyeglass straps was for light sporting activities. So that if you glasses did fall they wouldn’t fall to the ground and shatter, but would simply fall that short distance to your chest.

The thing is, eyeglass straps, cords, chains, and even eyeglass lanyards were never designed to stop eyeglass slipping. After a while because nothing better was available to do that, people adapted these devices. For example they’d tighten the strap to stop their glasses from slip but other problems arose. The glasses would be mashed against their faces or the straps would cause their hair to be messed up.

In contrast, Keepons eyeglasses retainers were specifically designed to address the problem of slipping eyeglasses. There are two very special features built into Keepons that makes them effective towards stopping slipping glasses.

First they have the patented Flexi-aperture center which allows them to sit securely on your eyeglass temples. Next they have a latch component which allows them to softly and comfortably hook around your ears and in this, the forward movement of your glasses is prevented, resulting in no more eyeglass slipping.