Friday, March 23, 2012

What To Do About Glasses Constantly Slipping Down Nose

How much would you pay for your life to be in order? Hundreds? Thousands? Yes of course probably more. As individuals we spend so much to make ourselves happy. All the things we buy, that we don’t need, in order to fill this vacancy in our hearts. When I’m so happy to brag that I spent $6 and my life is amazing.

When the Keepons eyeglass retainers arrived in the mail, I just knew there were going to work. They looked so cool, in transparent blue. Yes I got the Keepons original blue for $6. That includes free international shipping from Hong Kong by the way and I even received a tracking number to track the order all the way here to sunny Miami where I live, with my parents.

Anyway the Keepons arrived and I twisted them onto my glasses and then I put them on my head and voila! I can’t tell you how I felt. It’s very hard to articulate the feelings of relief. Like you’ve been carrying around baggage for most of your life, this emotionally frustrating baggage that makes you bitter and resentful how other people have such great lives and not you, but the minute, the very second the Keepons go to work you realize ahhhh life isn’t so bad. I don’t have it that bad.

It’s like I was suffocating all along and then finally the Keepons eyeglass retainers let me breathe. And it felt so wonderful to not always be pushing up your glasses every one or two minutes or look out through the top of your glasses like some old man. Well yes I’m not young, but old is how you feel, it shouldn’t be because your glasses are slipping. Well anyway Keepons stopped my glasses from slipping and I am very thankful for that.

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