Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I'd pay anything to stop my eyeglasses from slipping, $6 what a great deal

I don’t like messy. I don’t like things out of place. I’ve spent all my life structuring everything. Everything in my house has a place and everytime I use it, I put it back in it’s place. I like that about my life. Everything is orderly. Well except for one thing and that is the sad fact that my eye glasses keep sliding down my face. No matter what I do, it can’t be helped. I brought my glasses back to the optometrist but he couldn’t help. He tried to twist and adjust the frames with his special tools but it was all for nothing. When I was in the eyeglass store sure they didn’t slip but then I wasn’t moving about. I wasn’t sweating. And why would I be sweating in the store? There was wonderful air conditioning. But this isn’t like real life. In real life the weather changes or you’re late for a bus and you start running and then you sweat and then your glasses slip. And I hate that. I tried contact lenses but they don’t help. I can’t wear contacts because I did once and got a serious eye infection. Stupid contacts cost me three hundred dollars too because I have a pretty strong prescription. I tried buying invisible tape and carefully wrapping a couple of layers around my eyeglass temples but they caused a rash. Fortunately I did the right thing. One day I couldn’t stand it anymore so I went online and did a google search using the term, slipping eyeglasses. One of the first hits was from a site called and when I went there I saw that they sold a product called Keepons eyeglass retainers and I was overjoyed. Impossible I thought, how could I have missed this all along? To think that I had been suffering for so long when the solution was just a mouse click away. So I ordered them and boy am I happy. First they were really affordable. Only $6. I would gladly pay one thousand dollars to stop my glasses from slipping. Also the $6 included free worldwide shipping and I even got a tracking number so I could track the package as it made its way from Hong Kong to Australia where I live. The minute I tried them on, it was like I had been in a dark room for years and then somebody turned the light on. Now my glasses no longer slip. Thanks Keepons.

Friday, April 20, 2012

After years of suffering, now my eyeglasses don't slip down my nose anymore

I’ll never forget the first day my glasses no longer slipped down my face. It was like night and day, but in a more exact way it was like hell and then suddenly heaven.

I’ve suffered through slipping glasses ever since I was a kid. I think that’s the reason I never had a girlfriend even now at age 26, I’ve never gone out with a girl. Yeah I went to my prom by myself, along with the rest of the members of the science club. We all went as a group. Some of the guys were like me with slipping glasses, the others just couldn’t talk to girls.

So you can imagine my feeling of relief when my glasses stopped falling. It was the day my Keepons eyeglasses retainers arrived in the mail. I had waited for them for 9 straight days. Boy those 9 days seemed like 9 years. My friend told me about them, He had purchased them and in his own words, they changed my life.

This was a friend of mine from college. We studied computer science together and I trusted him. Also went played world of warcraft together. So I doubly trusted him.

After 9 days the Keepons finally arrived. I ordered the Keepons original black. I got black because I worried that clear silicone would yellow with age. So like I said I got black color and boy let me tell you, in my friend’s words, my life changed so much for the better.

It was like I was given a new lease on life. Like I was injected with super energy and confidence.

My glasses didn’t slip anymore. So you know what I did. I went out and bought a new pair of glasses. I bought some clear Keepons and I bought some new cooler clothes. Now life is amazing and I owe it all to my friend who introduced me to those amazing eyeglass accessories called Keepons. Now I tell all my eyeglass wearing friends about this amazing product.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How to properly stop your glasses from slipping

There was a while back that I was so miserable that I really didn’t want to go on. But fortunately I did and instead, sat down at my desk with a piece of paper and a pen and started listing out the things I wanted. I wanted a perfect body not my own. I’m obese because I have a dysfunctional relationship with food. I eat when I’m happy. I eat when I’m sad. I eat to celebrate success. I eat to dampen defeat, so I definitely wanted a perfect body which meant eating properly and exercising more. I wanted more friends. I guess for the longest time I have had next to no self-esteem and this really is a vicious circle. The more worthless you feel, the more you eat, the fatter you get, the more worthless you feel, over and over, so then I became more and more withdrawn. When co-workers suggested going out for drinks after work, I turned them down. I didn’t want to go to bars and clubs where attractive people hangout and stand out like a sore thumb. So over the years, I lost more and more friends until now, the only friends I have are on social networks like Reddit or Digg, but I’ve never met them face to face. Every night I spend the hours before bed in front of my computer monitor. I eat in front of my monitor too. Usually delivery from McDonald’s or pizza. On the top of my list was stopping my glasses from slipping and when I finished my list, I powered up my computer and went through the list one item at a time. On my first Google result, I came across Keepons for a search using slipping glasses. I ordered them, it took about 30 seconds and they really changed things for me. Most importantly it allowed me to cross off the other items on my list one at a time. It hasn’t been easy but I hold my head high now. Oh and I’m 20 pounds lighter. Thank you for Keepons for keeping my glasses from falling down my nose.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Stop your glasses from slipping and improve your life

There are things in life you can change and things you can’t.

You can’t change the family you were born into but you can do your best to cultivate the types of relationships with trusting people you really want.

The easiest way is to be the type of person you want to hang around with.

Like attract likes and soon your wish will come true.

For example many people want friends they can trust, but it always eludes them. Why?

Because to begin with they aren’t trustworthy themselves? And it isn’t about deception or anything evil like that.

For example, you want friends you can depend on, but are you dependable. When’s the last time you helped a buddy move or went out of your way to do someone a favor but didn’t expect anything back.


You see, like most people who are solitary and lonely it’s very hard to answer that question because you’ve made a life out of being selfish. It’s really just a fork in the road. If the solitude and loneliness doesn’t bother you then no big deal. You’re living correctly.

But you can’t have it both ways. You can’t be selfish all the time and just take, take, take without giving.

All this wisdom came to me after my glasses stopped sliding. Well thanks for Keepons eyeglasses retainers.

It’s like I caught a break, was able to have a window of clarity because my self-esteem picked up and then I started seeing how I had done so many things wrong in the past.

Like how I let so many little things bother me. The tone people used, their choice of word, the shoes they wore, there were a billion trillion things that could make me upset about people and the worse thing about it was that I couldn’t hide the look on my face. You know the look? The disdain.

Yup I really have to thank Keepons for changing my outlook on life. See better, look better, better outlook who would have thought from a pair of eyewear retainers.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Eyeglass Slipping is a big problem and Keepons eyeglass retainers is a powerfully small solution

If I’m going to be doing stuff I really don’t feel like doing, at least I can be comfortable doing it.

What am I doing? I paint houses in the summer. Or whenever it’s not snowing. Well it’s not like I went to school for that. I went to school to become a lawyer and that sounds great but in America there’s too many lawyers now so I got laid off.

And the only thing available was to paint houses. So I made 8 bucks an hour painting houses, lugging around equipment all over, loading the truck, unloading the truck, menial labor.

In the night-time I teach myself how to program using Internet tutorials, primarily the Python programming language.

What can you do?

I was depressed at first. I spent so much time and money going to law school and now I’m an unemployed lawyer.

But you know what the funny thing is? I don’t feel that bad about it.

I never really wanted to be a lawyer anyway.

It was for my parents.

I suppose if I had been passionate about it, I wouldn’t have been laid off. But you never know. I know a lot of lawyers out of work. Of our graduating class only 7 are still working and they’re really just slaving and after tax, they’re not making that much.

And sure painting is tough work, but one day I’ll be a coder, write some software, sell it and then retire.

In the meantime the only thing not nice about my job is that it’s sweaty labor and my glasses steam up and slip off my nose when I’m working and then I have to push them up and sometimes I get paint on them.

Or I just ignore them, but then I’m looking out over my glasses half-blind.

Gus, another painter in our crew suggested Keepons, he got them for his kid, because the kid’s glasses were always falling down their nose and he was getting picked on. So I order Keepons from and it took about 9 days for them to arrive. Free shipping too and total it only came to $4. Amazing huh?

Well that’s not half of it. The amazing thing is that Keepons keep my glasses up. Now I work really happy, I even whistle while I work. Life is what you make it.